Working together to give you complete confidence

Kirk Newsholme Financial Planning’s services to trustees are based on working closely together to achieve your clients’ objectives.

  • We begin by conducting a comprehensive “factfind” of the Trust, gathering all necessary information to help you make informed decisions.
  • We will then provide you with a Trust Opportunity Report – outlining areas for improvement (from an investment, taxation and administrative perspective)
  • The next stage is to create a Financial Plan, developed specifically for the individual Trust. It will:
    • set out the Trust goals and explain the strategy to achieve them;
    • discuss risks and how to deal with them;
    • establish the appropriate asset allocation;
    • recommend investments to manage the money;
    • show how each investment will help the beneficiaries achieve their goals;
    • set out all costs clearly
  • We will then review the Financial Plan on an agreed basis, to ensure it remains on track to meet its goals. It’s vitally important that we keep the Plan under constant review. This entails closely monitoring investments – and all factors which may affect them – on an ongoing basis.

To find out more about our Trustee Advisory Service and how it could work for you, contact us online or call 03332 401 333.


Lifestyle goals Barriers and Risks Solutions

1. Initial meeting discuss your aims and learn about our services

2. Gather data and set goals and aims

3. We prepare your financial plan

4. Present and discuss your financial plans

5. Implement the agreed plan

6. Review your financial plan regularly